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SCORELAND Relaunched! February 26, 2014
The new and improved SCORELAND is now live! SCORELAND members get to enjoy of new site features and new-found content. With over 15 years of updates, the new search feature will ensure members are able to find what they're looking for. They'll also be able to rate and comment on these hidden jewels as well as save them to their "Favorites".

For webmasters, we have brand-new galleries, content downloads, and hosted embeds available.

Content Update
Plus: Over 300 updates just went live this week! Check out some of our latest FHGs, embedded video ads, and downloadable content for your big tits, bbw, amateur, teen, big ass, mature, and foot fetish traffic.

Hit me up if you have any questions!

ICQ# 192623388

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The SCORE Group, 5001 SW 74 Ct #200, Miami, FL 33155